From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Lines, arcs, and circles

Lines, arcs, and circles - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

Lines, arcs, and circles

- [Instructor] We're staying in our geometry.dwg file and what we're going to do, we're going to use the mouse just to roll back a notch so that we can see a bit more space in the drawing. Now the reason I've done that is we're going to erase all of these lines and the circle. We don't need them anymore. We're going to create a different shaped table using some different tools in AutoCAD. So using the little crosshair in the pick box on the crosshair, just click on each object. As you can see, I'm just left clicking. These will be individual lines as you can see. So I'm clicking on each of those like that. There we go. Done. Once they're all highlighted like that with the little blue squares on them those little blue squares are grips. We can then just right click, go down on the shortcut menu and click on erase. And there you go. They're gone. And we've got a nice big space to work in. Now what we're going to do…
