From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Dimension styles

Dimension styles

- [Instructor] In the previous videos, we looked at text, text styles, single-line text, and multi-line text. We're now going to move to the next part of annotating your AutoCAD drawings and that's using dimension annotation. Now you'll notice in the annotation.dwg file, we've already got some dimension annotation here, and you'll notice when you hover over it, it's on a specific layer, which is A-010-D_DIM. And you'll also notice that you get this funny little white symbol, like a triangle symbol. That's indicating that these dimensions are annotative and I'll explain that in some later videos in this chapter. You'll kind of see how it works. Now I've zoomed out in the drawing. So instead of being zoomed in like this, which you might be, I've just double-clicked on the wheel of the mouse to zoom to the extent of the visible drawn objects. And up until now, we've been working out of the Home tab, utilizing the…
