From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Dialog boxes and palettes

Dialog boxes and palettes - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

Dialog boxes and palettes

- [Instructor] We're going to take a look now at pallets and dialogue boxes in your AutoCAD interface. For that reason, we're staying in the interface.DWG file that we had open in the previous video. Now, there are quite a few fundamental differences between pallets and dialogue boxes in AutoCAD, but the whole idea of them is they allow you to change and add variables and settings within AutoCAD while you're working on your drawings. Now, a typically well used pallet in AutoCAD would be your layer properties manager pallet. Now I'm going to go to the home tab on the ribbon, go into the Layers ribbon panel, and see where it says layer properties? Just click there and that will open up your layer properties manager. Now, the good thing is it's opened up really quite weirdly as you can see, so I'll just drag that down there. And to move a pallet around in AutoCAD, you simply click on the title bar and drag. As you can see, I'm…
