From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Apply AutoCAD basics to your drawings

Apply AutoCAD basics to your drawings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

Apply AutoCAD basics to your drawings

- [Shaun] Well done on completing this particular Learning AutoCAD course. So what are your next steps after completing the Learning AutoCAD course though? You now know the necessary basics to work with AutoCAD and you should be able to create simple drawings and print them from AutoCAD as well, like we did by plotting the PDF file from our AutoCAD drawing. Now, what you should consider is moving onto the AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training course. That is really your next course to take now in the library. And the whole idea of the essential training course is it gives you a much deeper dive into the AutoCAD software into the AutoCAD technology of methodologies that you need to refine your AutoCAD knowledge. Also, upon completing both courses, you're on your way to becoming a proficient AutoCAD user and you can start thinking about perhaps moving towards Autodesk certification in AutoCAD as well. But the whole idea of this…
