From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Adding scaled viewports

Adding scaled viewports - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

Adding scaled viewports

- [Instructor] Well staying in our communication.dwg file, and as per the last video, I've left it in the same state as it was at the end of the last video as well. So basically what we've done for the last few videos is we've kind of done something in one video, left it at that point, gone to the next video, left it at that point, and so on. And I'm hoping that you're following along and actually after each video having a go at what you've learned in each video as well. Really important that you do that step by step process. It builds up your muscle memory, allows you to repeat and retain as they say. So the more you repeat something, the more you'll remember how to do it. I'm pretty sure a lot of you drive. When you drive from one place to the other, especially to work or back from work to home for example, you remember the way that you go and so much so that it becomes second nature, it becomes habit. That's where you want…
