From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

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Adding a simple table

Adding a simple table - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: Learning AutoCAD 2024

Adding a simple table

- [Instructor] Staying in our annotation dot DWG file, I want to show you another simple method of annotating your drawing, and that's utilizing the AutoCAD table command, and adding tables to your drawing. Now we're going to create a simple table style and add a very simple table to the drawing. Just before we do that, a little bit of housekeeping. Jump to the home tab on the ribbon. Just check that you are using the text layer in the layers panel, so it should be Z000T text. In the annotate tab, we've got A010D DIM, but that's our DIM layer override. So only dimensions will go on that layer. Just make sure in the home tab that we have the text layer. Now we need to set up a table style. I can do that from the annotate tab. There you go, tables, and there's a little arrow there that will take me to table style, or we can just work from the home tab. I can go to the annotation flyout here on the panel, and there's table…
