From the course: Learning Adobe Spark Post

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How to create a new Post

How to create a new Post

- [Instructor] I'm so excited to share with you how to create a new post using Adobe Spark Post. So to start, we're going to go and open the app. So I'm going to tap on Spark Post, and I'm going to open this. The very first thing we see is a template area that has all the templates available to Adobe Spark Post. But for now, I want to share with you how you can create a post inside Adobe Spark Post. So at the very bottom we see this green button with a plus sign. Let's tap on that. Once I do that, I have all these options that I can use to start with my design. I can use a solid color, I can import some images, some patterns. But I really want to start with a solid color. We're going to tap on Solid color. Once I do that, I have this window that pops up with all sorts of colors that I can use. I'm going to use, let's say, one of the suggested ones. Looks really great. I'm going to tap on that color. And I'm going to tap…
