From the course: Learning Adobe Creative Cloud

What is Creative Cloud?

- [Narrator] So let's start with what Adobe Creative Cloud is or does provide to you as a Creative Cloud user. It is a collection of software created by Adobe and includes more than 20 fully functioning applications as well as mobile applications. It is also a tool or service that allows you to download, install, and use any Creative Cloud application at any point in time. Creative Cloud is a subscription service where in contrast to their traditional perpetual licensed model of obtaining software, provides software to users on a subscription basis. One of the big benefits to this method is that Adobe can release regular updates to their software to add functionality and at times, fix bugs that may exist in their software. As a Creative Cloud subscriber, you're given storage on Adobe servers. And those files stored in the Creative Cloud allows you to share those files and collaborate with other users on those files. Now let's also talk about what Creative Cloud is not because there are some common misconceptions about Creative Cloud that scare some people away. First of all, despite what you might have heard, Adobe Creative Cloud is not software that you run from the cloud. The software is downloaded from the cloud because it provides everyone easy access to the installers, but the software lives on your computer, just like all of the other software that you work with. Adobe Creative Cloud doesn't require you to be connected to the internet in order to use the software. You can work on a remote island if you'd like and your Creative Cloud applications will run just fine. Adobe does need an internet connection once every 30 days in order to validate your subscription, but other than that the software runs just fine offline. When Adobe releases new versions of software, and trust me they do, you are not forced to upgrade to that version and it doesn't happen automatically either by default. You and only you decide when and if you want to upgrade. And finally, Adobe Creative Cloud doesn't make you store your files on the cloud. It provides you with the ability to do so and in a pretty powerful way. But if you choose not to, it's fine, you just save your files to your local hard drive or server just as you always have. Hopefully you now have a better understanding of what Creative Cloud is and isn't, so that you can take advantage of the amazing features offered by this service.
