From the course: Lean Six Sigma Foundations

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Six Sigma: Analyze

Six Sigma: Analyze

- You can't find a solution to a problem until you truly understand why you are having the problem in the first place. This is what the analyze process is all about. You focus on why. Why are you experiencing this particular problem? You must have this understanding before you can figure out a solution. You'll rely very heavily on statistical analysis in this stage, and this is where the company's black belt and master black belt experts come in. These are very experienced people who act as coaches to the team, providing advice, guidance, and training for the data analysis tools. Your goal in the analyze stage is to make sense of all that data you've collected so far, and to use your analysis to find the source of your problems. Before you can discover the why of your problem, you must truly understand how the existing process works, and how that process should work. You can use process mapping to drill down to even more detail in the process. You should consider such elements as…
