From the course: Lean Six Sigma Foundations

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- Lean Six Sigma is all about the process, making processes better and solving problems for your customers. If you are interested in taking a further look into these topics, here's a few suggestions: For more insight into process improvement, check out the website It's a terrific place to read and learn more about process management and current trends and process improvement techniques. All their information is free and they encourage you to share it with the world. An excellent book on implementing Lean Six Sigma is Leading Six Sigma by Ron Snee and Roger Hoerl. Don't let the title fool you. The authors do include Lean topics in their book and their project management techniques are very solid. And lastly, there are a number of professional societies and organizations that focus on Lean, Six Sigma or Lean Six Sigma. You can find them online at such sites as and With this, you have a terrific structure to help improve your business processes…
