From the course: Lean Six Sigma Foundations

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Design for Six Sigma

Design for Six Sigma

- Sometimes, you don't need to improve your process. Sometimes the existing process is so bad you need to throw it away and design a new one. And sometimes, you don't even have a process to improve. For example, when developing a new product and the processes that go with it. Fortunately, the Design for Six Sigma Methodology addresses just this situation. When improving an existing process, you are primarily dealing with one variable as you develop methods to make that process better. When you are completely redoing a process or designing a new process, there are a lot more unknowns. This is the most significant difference between improving a process and designing a new process. And in most cases, new processes and products have even more focus on meeting the customer's performance objectives. Design for Six Sigma helps to ensure that your new product will meet those customer needs and that the processes can meet Six Sigma capabilities. Your focus is on those attributes that are…
