From the course: Lean Six Sigma Foundations

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Control the project

Control the project

- Mario Andretti, the great race car driver, believed that if everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough. While that may be true in Formula One racing, but in managing Lean 6 Sigma projects, your success is very dependent upon controlling the project environment. Like all projects, Lean 6 Sigma goes through four phases during its lifecycle, initiating, planning, executing, and closing. In that all important executing stage, you monitor and control the project. Up to now, the project manager has truly been managing things, making the proposal, getting necessary approvals, putting together the project plan, and recruiting key team members, doing everything needed to put the project in motion. But now you turn from managing things to leading people and events. This is more than just leading the technical effort to improve the process, or find a solution to the problem, it means leading the team to a successful conclusion, one that favorably impacts your company's…
