From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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Website design

Website design

- You never have a second chance to make a first impression. Once you've persuaded people to visit your website, your design and copy need to immediately invite them to stay and help them navigate your site. Otherwise, they'll leave. Let's review some website design best practices to keep people engaged. Overall, only include necessary pages and information in order of priority. Customers should feel invited to leisurely read through your site or quickly get the information they need. The simpler the overall design, the better the customer experience. Use the right balance of information and visuals and leave plenty of white space so people don't feel overwhelmed. The homepage should clearly explain what you do and what makes you better than the competition. It could include your company's purpose or mission, how your business helps customers, and maybe a link to your most recent offer or content to create a sense of urgency to take action. After the homepage first impression…
