From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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- According to a leading payments industry information platform, 88% of people research online before making a purchase either in a store or online. Most of the time this research includes what other people think about your brand, like testimonials and reviews. Now testimonials and reviews are similar but not exactly the same. They differ in how they're obtained and managed. A testimonial is obtained and owned by the business that provides the product or service. Testimonials tend to show the best of a company, from customers whose expectations have been exceeded and are open to publicly sharing their positive experience. Reviews are collected by a separate third party without the company's involvement. It's an open platform for anyone to share their point of view, either positive or negative. The company has no power to delete or alter reviews however they can respond like anyone else. Typically these platforms compile reviews and provide scores. Now a lot of companies focus on…
