From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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Social monitoring

Social monitoring

- Knowing what someone else thinks about you, either positive or negative, helps you grow and evolve as a person. We learn what we're doing well and should keep doing, and what we may need to change. This is equally true for companies. Monitoring social media is a great way to understand what your customers say and feel about your brand whether it's positive or negative. According to a statistics portal of over 22,000 sources, close to three billion people around the world use social media. That's over 70% of Internet users engaging with social media. And these numbers keep growing. So you'll want to monitor what customers say about their experience with your brand. Have you ever written a review about a restaurant and all of a sudden the chef or manager responds to you? What a nice surprise. Then if they take it a step further and not only thank you but offer you a free appetizer when you come back in, that will delight you. That's exceeding your expectations as a customer which is…
