From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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- Before we had radio, TV, magazines, or the internet, people shared their opinions about products or services with friends or family through everyday conversation, or what's also called, word of mouth. A lot of this still exists today, but word of mouth has also evolved to referral marketing. Referral marketing more formally promotes products or services to new customers through referrals from current customers who have interacted with your brand. Think about your own experiences. Whether you're buying something big like a car, or something you haven't used before like new software, or a small, personal item, have you asked people you trust for a referral before you buy it? I know I have. Referral marketing is a powerful tool because people trust opinions of other people they trust. According to a global measurement and data analytics company, people trust recommendations the most from people they know, more than from websites, editorial content, or advertising. Referral marketing is…
