From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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- After you've measured the data from your lead generation program, you need to understand what worked well that you should keep doing and identify opportunities to improve. Sometimes the truth can be hard. We can take things personally because we feel ownership for our work. But, as you determine how to optimize your lead gen program, try not to take things too personally. Stay objective and be open to how you can improve. Remember, improvements are good all around, for you, your business, and your customers. Here are some sample questions you can ask yourself to determine what to optimize. Did you target the right audience? Are you speaking to the right people? How's your messaging? Are you saying the right thing at the right time? Are you present and engaging in the right touch points? This goes for both outbound messages such as emails, or a two-way dialogue such as social media. Are your offers compelling? Do they persuade people to act? Life changes all the time, so make sure…
