From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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Nurture leads

Nurture leads

- People ask me all the time, is email still effective? My answer? Yes, when email best practices are followed. Email can be a really effective tool to nurture relationships, deliver customized content, and convert your lead to a customer. Let's start with best practice tips to create an inviting, effective email layout. First, be clear and consistent in the From label. This can be your company name or a recognizable employee name. Use the same From label in all your emails. It helps people recognize the email source and trust that they can safely open the email. Place the most relevant, attention-getting information prominently and at the top of the page, so people don't have to scroll down too far unless they're interested in more detail. The preheader text should augment the subject line. Preheader text is a very brief summary, usually just one sentence, that follows the subject line when the email is viewed in someone's inbox. Preheader text invites the reader to open the email…
