From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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- A lead generation program is essential to grow sales. It's an ongoing process, not something you just create once and then leave alone. You need to test and learn and consistently measure how you're doing in market. Here are some suggestions to kick off your lead generation program. Make sure to constantly monitor changes. This can be customers' evolving needs, new competitive strategies, or how your product or service may change. This information will help you evolve your lead gen program to stay relevant to customers and ahead of your competition. Stay on top of best practices and exchange ideas with other people just like you. You can do this but joining lead gen groups and following lead gen posts on LinkedIn and other social media. You can also sign up for free newsletters from top management consultancies and marketing communication agencies who share insights and case studies. And remember, to successfully lead generate, you need to have a customer-first mentality. Always…
