From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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- There's a saying in business. That which gets measured gets funded. This is especially true in lead generation. You need a budget to go to market with your lead gen program. But every company, from big to small, has limited resources. So how do you persuade the people who run your company to fund your program? By consistently measuring your results in market to demonstrate your program's success. There are lots of ways to collect data for your KPIs, such as website, email, or social media analytics. The best way to measure performance is to stay as objective as possible. Here's how. Refer to your business and lead generation objectives, KPIs, and benchmarks. Fill in a new column with the actual in-market data. Compare that new data to your KPIs and benchmarks. Review the data to see if you attained your objectives. If you prefer a more systematic way to assess your performance, you can develop a scoring system. Add another column to assess each KPI. Assign a one if you did not meet…
