From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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Loyal customers

Loyal customers

- Your customer has purchased your product or service. Think your job is over? Definitely not. The customer experience does not end with the purchase. The way people are treated after they've made a purchase very often determines if they will be a repeat customer, advocate for your brand, and recommend your brand to their network. Here are a few ways to create loyal customers who will promote your brand. Keep your customers informed after they've made their purchase. Many of the large retailers do this really well. They set great examples you can adopt, such as follow-up communications to make sure customers are having a positive post-purchase experience. Accompany those follow-ups with discount offers for future purchases, reward points, thank you messages, or referral offers. Fix the customer's problem immediately. Despite everything we do to avoid problems, the reality of life is that eventually, there will be some sort of problem to fix. Respond immediately to fix the problem…
