From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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Landing page

Landing page

- Whether you realize it or not, after you click on a call to action, you probably end up on a landing page. This is a page on a website where someone lands after clicking on a call to action. They could've landed there maybe to download an infographic, start a free trial, join a mailing list, watch a video, or make a purchase. Here are the key elements of an effective landing page. Let's start with the content. Stay focused on the offer that first attracted the person. Keep the language concise and relevant. Include testimonials or customer reviews about the offer to build trust. Next, make sure the layout positions the content in the best way possible. Make your landing page design consistent with your overall website to create a seamless brand experience. Clearly display key information in order of priority, such as leading with your CTA, and details like privacy terms as you scroll down. This'll create a nice flow for the page without feeling cluttered. Create a sense of urgency…
