From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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Human interaction

Human interaction

- A lot of marketers and sales people think lead gen is just a numbers game. For every hundred people you call, you'll convert between two to eight people. But lead gen is much more than that. It's better to contact fewer people and really engage them so they'll convert. The way to do this is through human interaction. A human touch can be at an industry, or networking event, or through a customized call or email. The idea of a human touch is don't use the same script or approach for every person. Take time to research this person and customize your approach and interaction. Here are a few tips to get started. Scripts are a great tool, especially if you're new to lead gen. Scripts provide structure, like how to open a conversation, points to cover, questions to ask, and a call to action. They help you feel more comfortable because you'll spend less time figuring out what to say and more time asking questions to get the other person talking. As you gain experience and feel more…
