From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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- Have you ever received an email that you felt was generic? Did that make you like the brand and want to buy it, or did you just delete the email? I know I've deleted plenty of emails that I felt weren't written for me. To engage people with your brand, and persuade them to buy your product or service, customize your communications through database insights. A database is a collection of information, such as from your website form, that can be accessed, managed and updated. It allows you to input criteria, and conduct a search to create a list of leads that meet those criteria. Database insights are a deep understanding of your leads from the information in your database and the search results that meet your criteria. Here are some benefits of using a database and insights about your leads. It'll save you time. With just a couple of clicks, information is immediately available, and you can look at data in all sorts of ways. A request for a specific list from your database, called a…
