From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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Customized experience

Customized experience

- Have you ever walked into a coffee shop and the person behind the counter knows exactly what you want and starts making it the second they see you walk in? The concept of a personal touch has been an effective sales strategy for years. Knowing a customer's name and preferences helps you close the sale. Customized experiences advance customer relationships. A personal touch makes people want to do business with you. It's a really effective way to transform a lead to a customer. Customized messages and experiences can be through one-on-one contact like a sales call or at an industry event. It can be through a digital touch point like email or social media. Or it can be a combination of online and offline such as integrating direct mail with social media or in-store loyalty card insights that inform email or text messaging. The key to personalization is analyzing your data to know your customer. Review insights from your database to customize communications for the time when someone is…
