From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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Compelling offer

Compelling offer

- I used to buy my dog's food through one retailer's website. They were reliable and had free shipping. One day, they started to charge a shipping fee. So I went online to research different options. I narrowed down to two reputable retailers, which both offered the same brand at the same price, but only one offered free shipping. Which retailer's website do you think I purchased from? When you're ready to make a purchase and deciding between two brands, a compelling offer can persuade you to choose one brand over another. How does this relate to lead gen? Once you've enticed a bunch of leads, a compelling offer can help you narrow down that list to qualified leads. Then you'll focus your time and resources on those leads who have a better chance to convert to a customer. The right offer depends on what the customer perceives to be valuable. It's subjective, in a way. Your idea of compelling may be different from someone else's. For some people, it might be a free consultation. For…
