From the course: Lead Generation Foundations (2019)

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Call to action (CTA)

Call to action (CTA)

- Have you ever seen a great offer and gotten really excited to buy that product, but then your experience turns sour because it's not clear how to buy it? That's a lost sale. Your lead gen offer is only as good as its call to action. A call to action, or what many people call a CTA, directs someone what action to take to complete the desired task whether it's to make a purchase, share an article, or post a review. This could be a click from an email, a link from social media to your website, a phone number, or a chat button. You've probably seen plenty of calls to action such as free trial, contact us, or chat online. Sometimes you click on it, sometimes you don't. How can we make sure your CTA breaks through? Here are some tips to create a smooth call to action experience. Make CTA easy to find so it will stand out from other links. Use bold colors that stand out from background colors. Maybe try a color that you haven't used elsewhere on your site but is part of a secondary color…
