From the course: Layout and Composition: Marketing Material/Collateral

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- A few years ago, I was fortunate to receive a lovely award from AIGA, the professional design organization. A good friend suggested that I make an announcement card and mail it to clients. That idea sounded creepy to me. Isn't that bragging or incredibly self-centered? I preferred to accept an award graciously and not boast about it to others. The award wasn't possible without my clients over the last 20 years, so it was a way of sharing the good news that was also celebrating them. An announcement isn't a card that says, "Hi, I'm wonderful." It's a way of sharing information with people who you believe would want to know. We are so used to all communication coming from email or text. A message shows up, you consider it for a few seconds and then move on to the next one. A physical announcement that goes through the mail is rare. When I get one, it means something. If it's well-designed, I keep it, often propped on…
