From the course: ITIL® Foundation 4 First Look

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The four dimensions of service management in ITIL® 4

The four dimensions of service management in ITIL® 4 - ITIL Tutorial

From the course: ITIL® Foundation 4 First Look

The four dimensions of service management in ITIL® 4

- [Instructor] To support a holistic approach to service management, ITIL 4 Foundation repositions the four P's of service management. Remember those from ITIL v3? People, Process, Products or technology, and Partners or suppliers, as the four dimensions of service management shown here. The four dimensions represent perspectives that are critical to effectively and efficiently delivering value to customers and other stakeholders in the form of products and services. Let's drill down into each of these. The first dimension of service management is organizations and people. Work to make sure your organization is structured and managed, that your people's roles, responsibilities, and systems of authority and communication are well-defined, that their capacity and competence is aligned to support your overall strategy and operating model, and that you have the right culture to support your objectives. The second dimension of service management is information and technology, and it…
