From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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Staffing considerations: Data collection and methodology

Staffing considerations: Data collection and methodology

From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

Staffing considerations: Data collection and methodology

- There are many models that you can utilize to determine staffing resources. To start with, you'll need to look at the what questions, that we asked earlier. If you have specific service level targets to hit, like abandonment rate, response times and resolution times, you will want to investigate using workforce management calculations, processes, and tools, that will accurately forecast how to hit those targets, with the proper number of staff. Workforce management calculations include Erlang C, staffing models, and ratio models that take into consideration handle times, service-level targets, volume and arrival patterns of contacts, and number of users. Workforce management software tools can take these elements into account. In order to determine proper staffing levels to plug into a software or simple spreadsheet, you'll need to ensure you have the following data, that is correct and validated. Average handle time, or AHT, which includes how much time is spent talking to the…
