From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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Staffing considerations: Asking the right questions

Staffing considerations: Asking the right questions

From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

Staffing considerations: Asking the right questions

- Questions that I'm often asked by students who are concerned about their future role in the service desk are, "Am I going to have a job in the next few years?" "What is this we keep hearing about bots and automation?" "Am I even necessary to run a service desk?" Well we don't have a crystal ball and our industry is rapidly changing, and more and more support is being automated and self-service is a key part of support for a service desk, but at some level people will always be the most important component of a service desk. People are not only the most important component of our service desk, they're also the most expensive. Anywhere from 60 to 80% of a service desk budget is allocated for the people line item. This includes salaries and benefits. Since people are the biggest expense, they need to be the biggest asset as well. Unfortunately in many organizations there are people that are more of a liability than an asset. When I work with companies that have people or staff issues…
