From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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Service management systems

Service management systems

- IT service management systems are truly the heart of service desk technology. Just like the heart keeps the blood pumping to all parts of the body, the IT service management system keeps contacts pumping through all parts of the support organization. So what exactly is an IT service management system? Well some people still refer to these systems as old ticket tracking systems. Ticket tracking is still a part of the functionality of these systems, but now we can offer so much more. An IT service management system is a system that is used to manage all parts of the organization. The service management system helps to manage all services, including planning, delivering, supporting, and improving services. Many of the service management tools are built on specific frameworks and processes like I Tell, so these systems have embedded processes out of the box. How a service management system is implemented is based on several factors, including the location and scope of the services…
