From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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Policies and procedures

Policies and procedures

- So many organizations become extremely excited about building a quality program and implementing quality processes. The only problem is, if you try to jump and go straight to the check and act cycle without planning and doing, your process may not have much to measure. An organization must start with building procedures which are step by step instructions that show how to perform the tasks in a process. These collections of procedures can be detailed in standard operating procedures, or SOPs. This can be a collection of many different types of procedures that are designed to perform the tasks in a process, document technical instructions, or detail daily work requirements. Procedures are carried out by staff who work in specific roles. So what types or procedures do you need to develop? Well think of it this way. Any task, activity, steps that your technicians utilize to deliver service needs to be monitored for quality, and all processes need to be reviewed and monitored for…
