From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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Overview of service level agreements

Overview of service level agreements

- Have you ever contacted a service desk and received the runaround? Maybe you received an email that didn't make any sense, or you talked to two different technicians, who both gave you different information. And then only to have a supervisor tell you something completely different? I think we can all relate. The issue is many service desks have a lack of processes that are documented and followed. There are many service desk processes to review. We are going to use a common service desk scenario to highlight an overview major processes. Our goal is to use this example and illustrate at an awareness level, the role of each process in a service desk. So, our example starts like this, a customer is using a software tool and is trying to perform a function, and keeps getting an error message. After a few attempts, the customer starts thinking, maybe they should contact the service desk, but before contacting the service desk, the customer decides to go to the self-service portal to…
