From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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Overview of incident management requests

Overview of incident management requests

From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

Overview of incident management requests

- [Instructor] So now let's look at the two processes that I recommend companies start with, incident management and request fulfillment. An incident is a break fix issue and a request is a request for information, requesting a service or a change. There's nothing actually broken that needs to be fixed. Requests will be managed through a separate process that focuses on ensuring requests are implemented to the customer's satisfaction and based on service-level requirements. Back to our scenario. Now the technician starts to troubleshoot the issue, confirms the error message and categorizes this issue as an incident. The technician wants to confirm all the information related to the software. Is this an authorized software? For this specific customer? What's the licensing information? What version is the customer on? All this information can be stored in a configuration management database, which is a database that houses all pertinent information related to items within the…
