From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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- Mentoring is a great tool for training, socialization, and building teams. Mentoring is defined as a more experienced team member guiding and developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of a peer. The mentor relationship requires trust, collaboration, and guidance for both mentor and mentee. In my experience in building mentor programs, what worked for us is to first assess the knowledge, skills, and abilities of each individual to determine who can become a mentor, and in what specific areas. What I found is that not everyone has the skill to be a mentor in every area. Our team members would also go through training with me that consisted of a two to four hour training session on topics like, what does it mean to be a mentor? How to foster trust, listening skills, and how to ask appropriate questions to guide your mentee. This training was required for all mentors and really helped to contribute to the success of our program. By using your KSA matrix that we created earlier as…
