From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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Interacting with other IT groups

Interacting with other IT groups

- Okay, we've discussed building and measuring relationships with our customers. Now we must continue the conversation to building relationships with other IT teams. Let's focus on building those agreements and relationships within our own organization. We have to take what our customers want and what we can deliver and expand that to our support teams because realistically we aren't going to be able to handle every customer issue, incident, and request ourselves. We're going to have to escalate incidents and have requests fulfilled by other teams. These groups must understand the service-level agreements, what customers want, and we as a support organization have to build operating-level agreements. operating-level agreements internally establish what we must deliver to meet the service level agreements. In a perfect world, we would already have these agreements established with other groups and life would be easy. Well, this is the real world. We have to work on building these…
