From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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Employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction

- I want you to think about something for a moment. We've all heard the saying or quote about how you treat your workers is how your workers will treat your customers, right? Well if this is true, then why don't companies treat their employees better? Think about that. Pause and reflect on your current situation. Lots of companies preach about valuing employees. And swear that they measure satisfaction. But when I go in and host focus groups with different levels of management and workers, that's usually not what I hear. I also consult with companies who know they have an employee satisfaction problem, but it's so bad it's almost like they're paralyzed and they can't even move to try to fix it. Or they just ignore it or shift blame to the employees rather than look in the mirror. Now, do all companies act in this manner? Of course not. I've been in some amazing companies who really value employees and have effective programs in place to engage, motivate, reward, and retain their…
