From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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Defining people skill requirements

Defining people skill requirements

- [Instructor] Now that we know how many people resources are required, we need to manage the process for developing the skillset required in order to be successful. Sometimes finding the right people, feels like searching for a needle in a haystack, it's just hard. Well it doesn't have to be. I spent hundreds of hours sourcing, interviewing, and hiring people. And what I've learned is that setting expectations, creating a plan, and following a process, is really the key to successfully attracting and retaining the right people. I use the analogy that finding the right people, is like finding the right partner in life, you have to know what you're looking for. What is going to attract you to this person? What are your deal breakers? How are you going to manage and maintain the relationship? These questions are all part of setting the expectations, creating the plan, and carrying out the process. First we need to understand the role that an individual will be performing. This needs to…
