From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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Defining and measuring quality

Defining and measuring quality

- Let's be honest. We hear the word quality a lot in technical support. It's a word that gets thrown around and talked about in service desks all over the globe. Our mission is to provide a quality customer experience. How many times have we seen and heard this mission statement? It's nice to say in market, but are we really defining and measuring quality for all of our stakeholders? Customers want quality. Upper management wants quality. And we as the service desk want quality. Each stakeholder is going to have a different definition of quality. Let's start by defining the concept. Quality is not what you do, it's who you are. It's ingrained in your culture. You either focus on quality, or you don't. I don't feel there's a gray component to quality. Quality is your focus to ensure that your processes, procedures, and programs that you build are operating as you have documented for yourself and have promised to the customer. Bottom line, is the service desk adhering to the internal…
