From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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Customer effort score (CES)

Customer effort score (CES)

- Now that we've looked at customer satisfaction and net promoter score, let's look at another method called Customer Effort Score. The theory around customer effort is that loyalty is created by reducing the effort it takes to give a customer support and by making it easier for customers to receive service. Customer effort is usually based on a strongly disagree to strongly agree scale. It focuses on how easy or how much effort a customer had to expend to receive service. Higher scores equal lower effort, lower scores equal a higher effort. The first version of customer effort questions asked how much effort did you have to put forth to handle your issue. Newer versions of customer effort questions focus on questions like did the service desk make it easy for me to handle my issue. The goal of customer effort is focus on assessing how easy it was for the customer to get service from their perspective, and how this can build loyalty. So, to summarize let's look at examples of each…
