From the course: IT Service Desk: Management Fundamentals

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- How many of you are sports fans or have at least watched a sporting event or two? Chances are you've either had a coach or seen coaches in action. Have you seen the coaches that keep their cool, talk to their players calmly and get the absolute best out of them? Or have you seen coaches that lose their cool, throw chairs, or kick dirt, or rattle their players so bad that they lose the game? Well, I've had both type of coaches, I've seen both type of coaches, and definitely only want to be one type of coach. The one that throws chairs, right? Of course not. We want to provide positive feedback, training and guidance to our teams. Coaching is a part of our overall training program. That along with mentoring, provides that extension to formal and informal training. It is defined as a interactive process of empowering team members to reach their full potential. Coaching can include educating, training, imparting wisdom, guidance, and encouragement to reach goals. While mentoring is peer…
