From the course: IT Security Foundations: Operating System Security

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NTFS demo

NTFS demo

- [Announcer] Now we've taken a look at the new technology file system permission behavior. Now, let's take a look at a folder, and look at the permissions. I'm in Server 2016, and I created a folder Admin. I'll right click and go to Properties and here's where you can see the permissions; Go to Security and here we see group or user names, and then down below the permissions. Here's a user called Sherlock and then down below, you can see what permissions there are for Sherlock. If you want to change the permissions, we'll go to Edit go to Sherlock and then make some modifications here. Sometimes you might want to see special permissions or advanced settings. We'll click Advanced to see those. Once you go in, you can see the permission entries. For example, we see Sherlock and in this case we can go to Edit and it allows us to see some of the basic permissions that are on this folder. We can also show advanced…
