From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

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Helpdesk hierarchy

Helpdesk hierarchy

- [Presenter] As in any organization, the help desk has its hierarchy based on various levels. Levels one, two, and three are typically at the same level when it comes to employment, although not when it comes to technical ability. A level three staff usually cannot hire or fire lower level IT staff. Above the help desk level would be the help desk manager. The help desk manager would manage those staff in the help desk in a larger organization. In smaller ones, they might also manage Levels two and three. The help desk manager will make sure the staff are working, tickets are being opened and closed on a regular basis, and enough staff are there to cover call requests. If the company grows, the help desk manager will ensure enough staff are added as needed. Above the help desk manager is the IT manager. They would manage all managers beneath them. In a smaller organization, that would be the highest position in the company,…
