From the course: ISO 27001:2022-Compliant Cybersecurity: Getting Started

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Continuing your ISO 27001 compliance journey

Continuing your ISO 27001 compliance journey

- We've now reached the end of this course designed to help you get started building an ISO 27001 compliance cybersecurity program. Great job, and thank you for joining me. If you want to build an ISO 27001 compliance cybersecurity program though, this is just the beginning. With this course, you'll be able to build the foundation and once you've implemented everything covered here, you should continue your ISO 27001 compliance journey by taking part two of this course. There, you'll learn how to implement the controls from Annex A that are relevant to your ISMS. Implementing the relevant Annex A controls will help you complete your journey of building an ISO 27001 compliance cybersecurity program. I look forward to seeing you there.
