From the course: IoT Foundations: Operating Systems Fundamentals

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I/O devices and peripherals

I/O devices and peripherals

- [Instructor] A CPU on your iOT device often needs to connect many different kinds of external devices and peripherals. All these devices are viewed as input and output or I/O devices. Let's look at the possible I/O devices for iOT. We may need a storage device to permanently store some data as well as the programs. Using such as SD card, flash memory, or solid state drives. It is also common to see some radio modules on iOT devices as well. Which can be radio transceivers, such as Bluetooth transceivers, or other ones, LTE modems for a cellular iOT communication, et cetera. These modules may be included in one chip with your CPU and the memory in the system chip solution. Then we have some typical input devices, such as sensors, including temperature sensors and GPS and cameras in general. We also have actuators sometimes considered as output devices. For example, we can have motors and the water valves for iOT based robots and industrial control applications. In addition, we may…
