From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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- [Jen] Hey everybody, it's Jen Kramer. Thank you so much for watching "Introduction to Web Design and Development". I hope you learned all kinds of interesting new information. And all of the topics that I've covered in this course are covered somewhere in the LinkedIn learning library. Do a search for HTML, CSS, user experience, search engine optimization, and you'll find more in-depth courses on these particular topics. If you liked me as an instructor and you want to go into more details in my courses, let me recommend a few for you. The first one I'd like to recommend is, "Careers In Website Design and Development". This will go into more detail about user interface design and user experience if you're thinking about making it a career, if you're not thinking about making it a career and you just want to plan a website, "No-Code Planning Principles for the Web" will walk you through everything that you need to do to…
