From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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All-in-one solutions: Content management systems

All-in-one solutions: Content management systems

From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

All-in-one solutions: Content management systems

- Content management systems or CMS provided some of the earliest ways of creating websites that were editable by clients and provided lots of dynamic functionality. The big three open source CMSs remain Joomla!, Drupal and WordPress with WordPress powering 40% of the web alone. Why is a CMS such a popular tool? Joomla!, WordPress and Drupal all were initially released in the early 2000s. They were intended for managing a large amount of content as the name implies. Blogging was in its infancy and a CMS offered an easy way to do this. Furthermore, clients had been asking for way to edit their own sites without knowing HTML for years. And these open source CMSs were among the first easy and inexpensive ways of doing this. Quickly though, the communities around these projects realized that their CMSs could expand their core programming to include additional functionality via their database. The terminology of these add-ons varies. Depending on the CMS, they're called plugins, modules…
