From the course: Introduction to IT Automation

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Automation using scripts

Automation using scripts

- [Instructor] Most IT automation tools work well and offer great flexibility in what they might automate. Though these applications work well and maybe easy to use, often times, scripting may be required. So why should you consider scripting in the first place? Well, firstly, there are varying different programming languages that are available for scripting. Some of these are baked into the operating system, and others can be added to enhance that scripting process. Second, the ability to create repeatable processes and sharing a consistent configuration and deployment is achieved every time is a massive benefit for all organizations. Often scripting tools or automation tools can automate and script every configuration option, hence, scripting may be required. Lastly, it can often be easier to learn scripting rather than how to use a fully deployed automation platform. That's because the scripting languages are built into…
