From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign

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Using type on a path

Using type on a path

- [Instructor] What we're going to do next is we're going to create a piece of text that denotes the name of the performer along this path. Now, part of the reason we are doing that as type on a path is because it will be an immediate visual association with the shape above it if it's following the line of that text. So let's go ahead and tap T on our keyboard. Okay, and go to the path itself. And you'll notice the cursor changes to a sort of a weird, wavy I-beam cursor, and click there. Some text will be added to the path. Now, immediately what we are going to do here is set that up. So we'll go up to the type menu to begin with. We'll come down to type on a path, and then choose type on a path options. Now, my text is actually upside down here. If yours is the right way up, that's just fine. But I'm going to hit Flip here just for the moment and turn on preview so you can see what's happening just there. I'm also…
